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May 19, 2020

Welcome to the Full Service Podcast!

This week I sit down with Oakland-based escort, Lily Amor. We discuss everything from her start working outside, to transitioning to inside work, her love of travel, the importance of consent, her experience working in Jamaica, the affect Backpage going down had on the industry, reviews, advice for other sex workers and clients, and so much more! This interview with Lily was a lot of fun and I know you'll enjoy it! You can follow her on Instagram at @Lilyamorxoxo. You can follow Full Service on IG & Twitter at @fullservicepod. You can follow me on Twitter at @tankfunkadelic. If you would like to be on the podcast or would like me to share your story, email us at

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Intro/Outro: John Ricatelli

CDC Coronavirus Info

GofundMe - Goodnights Comedy Club Employees

GofundMe - New York Sex Workers Covid19 Relief Fund

The Philadelphia Sex Worker Fund