May 11, 2021
Welcome to the Full Service Podcast!
This week I sit down with Vancouver based sex worker Ayla Meretrice. We talk life in the burbs of Vancouver, her aspirations to become a mortician, working both online and in companionship, balancing college and sex work, and creating her company Center Stage Pro Writing, which specializes in CVs, cover letters, and business writing. We also discuss her love of the arts, her experience as a minority in sex work, what the future holds, and why you should always avoid sharkbears.
This interview with Ayla was so much fun and I know you'll enjoy it! You can follow her on Twitter at @nakedgrltherapy and at @aylametrice. You can follow her company Center Stage Pro Writing at @CSProWriting. You can follow Full Service on IG & Twitter at @fullservicepod. You can follow me on Twitter at @tankfunkadelic. If you would like to be on the podcast or would like to share your story, email us at
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Intro/Outro: John Ricatelli